Business Hours

Business hours on Tuesday
10:00 - 8:30

Wellness Tips

Working at a Desk
Make sure that you are getting up every 20 minutes to stretch. The type of chair you have is extremely important. It should fit you correctly so that your back touches the chair and your feet are on the floor with knees at a 90 degree angle. Try to avoid looking down at your computer screen. It should be at eye level.
Lifting objects is one of the most common ways to injure yourself. Even if it is a light object, twisting or pulling in the wrong direction when you're not stretched out can have a damaging effect on muscles and the spine. You always want to bend at the knees and avoid lifting anything you know is too heavy.
  1. Request an Appointment

Contact Us


Dr. Katherine M. Kava,D.C.

Phone Number

(847) 696-9330

Fax Number

(847) 696-9337



532 Busse Hwy Park Ridge, IL 60068

Business Hours

MONDAY10:00 - 8:30
TUESADY10:00 - 8:30
THURSDAY10:00 - 8:30
FRIDAY10:00 - 3:00

Our Location 

Contact US